Robert Goehner, VP of Construction Services, Briohn Building Corporation
I had the pleasure of working with Joel Berrettini during the construction of Sharp Packaging’s new office and manufacturing facility in Sussex, WI. While Joel’s contractual relationship was directly with Sharp, he made every effort to communicate directly with me during our general construction of the building itself. The Sharp project was a fast track Design/Build project and required a very high degree of communication between all parties on the site. Joel’s commitment to this project and to staying actively involved in following all the areas where work was either on-going or about to occur, allowed him to continually stay a step or two ahead of the game. He worked well with the other trades on the site and his workmanship and attention to detail was exceptional. The systems that Joel laid out for the Client’s and then designed and installed are all highly technical in nature. As the building construction rapidly came to a close, the pace on the jobsite ramped up considerably. As the start of the IT and tele/data systems came on-line, Joel’s capabilities really began to shine and the results of his systems design work became evident. He is technically extremely capable, communicates well, results driven and not at all afraid to put in the hours needed to get the job done. I do look forward to working with Joel again in the future.
– Jim Jones, Owner of The Boneyard Pub and Grille –
Berrettini came up with a complete redesign of the TV system layout for the whole restaurant. The new layout maximized the viewing areas and ensured that every guest could see the TVs without having to move or turn around, and it helped land him the contract.
– Rusty Dunagan, Gary Sinise Foundation Smart Home Recipient –
Joel was amazing, He was here three days wiring everything. He even installed my TV in the garage. If I ever have an issue, he can access my system from his office and fix it, do updates and add features from Wisconsin. I found out later on, he got everything donated too.
– Judy Otter, Executive Director – Gary Sinise Foundation –
When Joel Berrettini first contacted us, it was clear that he had a heart for our military. He was extremely motivated to assist us, in any way that he could, and has been extremely generous with his time and resources.
– MSG John Masson – Gary Sinise Foundation Smart Home Recipient –
The man cave is one of my favorite things about the house,” Masson said. “Anything that makes my life easier or more convenient is a huge help for both functionality and my state of mind. It all comes back to the wonderful people who made this all possible, who’ve given me back a lot of freedom to live comfortably.
– SFC Michael Schlitz – Gary Sinise Foundation Smart Home Recipient –
The intercom feature and the ability to easily regulate the temperature of the house are two features that have made a huge difference. I live on one side of the house, and my mom, who is also my caregiver, lives on the other side. Being able to communicate with her through the built-in intercom on the Elan touch panels is extremely helpful. Not using standard light switches and remotes is a big change for me, but one for the better. I used to have to put on my prosthetic arms to press the buttons on a remote, but with the touch panels and iPad, I can touch the icons to initiate commands whether I have the prosthetics on or off.
– Cpl Mark Litynski – Gary Sinise Foundation Smart Home Recipient –
This home will allow me to be more independent. It probably sounds so simple to someone else, but I can’t describe the feeling of being able to do something yourself that you once couldn’t. The simplest task can be enjoyable and you want to do it again and again, just because you can. I feel I have been blessed a thousand times over and beyond of what is enough.
Jack Schafer – CIO – Sharp Packaging
Until you see his work, you can’t really appreciate the “before and after” effect he has on a project. His wireless content delivery system is a huge hit with all of our staff members. I continue to get compliments on the work he did in the six rooms including, a 75 seat Training Room, Corporate Board Room and numerous Huddle and Meeting rooms.
Pat – Luxury Homeowner Client
I bought an existing home that had some complex audio, video, sound, security, lighting, shades, and security features run by a home automation system. Getting this stuff sorted out was not easy for me. IT and Media was the only one I could find that could “connect the dots” to get all of this stuff working properly. Others could only address one problem (at best) and then things were not seamless. Joel’s talent (as I see it) is his ability to address all parts of the home and he brings experience with the equipment, vendors, and systems that are being used in the market. Additionally, Joel was able to negotiate vastly improved prices on new equipment that other vendors would never bother to do or consider. I have more work to be done at my house and they will be my first phone call.